Author Archives: Patrick Connors

Jon Carroll: Hand me that thing

Normally, I use this space to point out nifty things, concepts and people, usually related to my then-current All-Consuming Interest. This post is actually no different, as I am installing a networked Blu-Ray Player this weekend (and connectng it to … Continue reading

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Suddenly, a musical broke out!

Improv Everywhere are really really cool artists, and if I happen to hear about a mission happening near me, I’m there. Baldwin Hills, California. March 2008. A napkin. Lemonade. Art.

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The Tudor Tailor

Ten years of Ren Fair and an ongoing interest in the SCA and Frances Burns shows up here at the casa with an excellent costume book: The Tudor Tailor ISBN 0-89676-255-6 $35.00

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If you like good television…

May I recommend the upcoming Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip? Mondays starting Sept. 18 on NBC; if you have Netflix, you can get the pilot now on DVD, as we did. The show is from the original West Wing … Continue reading

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Alien Wine Connoisseur

From 1999 until 2004, I published the Alien Wine Connoisseur website. Then, poof! it vanished in the confusion as the hosting company folded up shop. Thanks to the Wayback Machine, I’m archiving it here. During the archiving process, you can … Continue reading

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Startled, the cat leaped into the air.

Learning Digieridoo May Help With Snoring As I have sleep apnea, and I think the dig’ is cool, this is interesting me. This falls squarely into the “or I could go to New Zealand*” category, true, but a truly ugly … Continue reading

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Hello world!

This is a blog whee I’ll maintain links to whatever I’m interested in at the moment. I am quite the magpie.

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An Actor’s Take on Cast Away

Some movies you go see for the ending. Others you go to for the spectacle. Others because it’s hot in Arizona, and the theater is air conditioned. Go see Cast Away, the new Hanks/Zemeckis movie, for the middle. See it … Continue reading

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by Patrick Connors Just when you thought it was safe to go back to Surrey, here’s the Website of the Woking Martian. Woking, you may recall, got pretty trashed in the original War of the Worlds. H. G. Wells lived … Continue reading

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The Theory of Relativity In Words Of Four Letters Or Less

by Patrick Connors Have Trouble with Einstein? Here’s the Theory of Relativity in words of four letters or less. There might be a quiz. The pointer came from Have Browser, Will Travel

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